Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Beginning my life-long adventure as a military spouse...

There are many of you out there and I know how proud you all must be!

Here's a little bit about us...
I'm slowly getting use to this.  Newly a military spouse as of March, 2010 and so far things are going great.  My husband has been active duty Air Force since May of 2009 and has only moved once so far.  Since the move, we have both made lots of new friends and I've continued college here.  I also have found out that there are many benefits that the military offers to spouse's including...
  • Tuition Assistance
  • Free Medical
  • Low Dental Cost
  • Discounted Travel
  • Life Insurance
  • Housing
  • On Base Benefits
With moving from base to base its hard to budget out for health care, and for me, school so I've found out that the benefits have been very helpful to me and will continue to be.

We both know that our life, for the most part, lies in the military's hands but we're okay with that; we're ready for adventures!  Luckily, he hasn't been deployed yet, but he's been on plenty of TDY's.  I never could have imagined how different things were being with someone in the military.  I've found out one thing can NEVER make plans..because the military is sure to ruin them!  We take it day by day and pray for the best!
How long have you guys been a military spouse?